Sunday, December 6, 2009

Art is everywhere

Aspirational mural at Lawrence

There is an absence of graffiti at Kansas, the kind of urban art crime that blights some parts of the UK cities. At Lawrence, I bumped into two murals along a passage way to a car park.  The colours are muted now, but they must have been virbant when they were first painting.  They caused me to pause for a while, to see what it was about, and to say a little thank you in my head to the artists who created them.

This one is subject to interpretation

There was a modern art exhibition at on a first floor gallery in one of the bookstores.  The collection was eclectic to the point of bewilderment.  I couldn't relate to any of the objects on display.  Here is one with a headless torso that begs the question: what is the point?  Should art have a point at all?  What was in the head of the artist when he/she created this piece of work? What is the message? What is the meaning?
To me, art is embedded in everyday life; it is present in everyday objects, like a painted chair, or the patterns on a biker's helmet.