Thursday, November 26, 2009

A new dawn, a new day

I count myself lucky to wake up most days to see dawn breaking over the horizon.  At 06:30, the streets are usually empty. In the distance are the silohuettes of the Town Centre Plaza, their outlines sketched out in dazzling Christmas lights. 

Breakfast is a simple affair: orange juice, a tub of Special K, a piece of fruit, and a bagel.  The Special K's were specially bought in for me; it seems that no one else is counting the sugar content nor the calories in the cereals.

Tonight, I went to Whole Foods supermarket to look for a present for the host who has invited me to join her family for Thanksgiving lunch.  The food looks fantastic, but the organized organic fruits are pricey.  Navel oranges are on offer at $1 a piece.  The service is first class though; the shop assistants are so friendly and courteous.  Here's their politically correct paper carrier bag.

The ice rink opposite the hotel was packed with youngsters having fun.  A young girl, dressed up in glitzy ice skating gear, gave a polished performance, with her proud and adoring mother looking on.