Sunday, May 2, 2010

Greenwich Time

It was a thoroughly wet and blustery day at Greenwich, and the biting cold was cutting through the thoughtlessly thin layer of spring clothing.

Shoehorned into this neat green rectangle of parking beside the Thames are the Royal Observatory, the National Maritime Museum, the Old Royal Naval College and the Painted  - a number of gems at this Unesco World Heritage site. 
The parkland leading to the Royal Observatory
The sumptuous Painted Hall,
an extravagant dining room by any standards
Ceiling of the Painted Hall -
what a hospital canteen where the old souls
munched their mutton and beans!
Some gold barge at the National Martime Museum -
No Photography the sign screamed!
The Tulip Staircase, Queen Anne House
The Great Hall, Queen Anne House
this one taken with my Sony Ericsson C510 phone